Premium Quality
Water Treatment Solutions
Get a solution of Automations for All industries
Well equipped manufacturing facility, which enables us to
develop Dosing pumps & Dosing systems

Control Panels
Expert treatment of our most precious resource
In water-treatment applications as varied as swimming pool chemical dosing, wastewater treatment and cooling tower water treatment, Infinity Equipment’s superior pump and control solutions deliver impeccable water quality and help operators meet local and international legislation.
Dosing Pump
Dosing and transfer solutions for the most severe environments
Heavy industrial processes within the oil and gas, steel and petrochemical industries require chemical dosing and transfer to be achieved with the utmost precision and reliability. This is why Infinity Equipment’s dosing and transfer pumps – capable of high precision and longevity in even the most demanding working environments – are the professionals’ choice.

Cleaning & Hygiene
Chemical dosing, dilution and dispensing for a cleaner world
Where professional cleaning and hygiene applications – such as warewash, commercial laundry and clean in place – demand the highest standards within strict budgets, Infinity Equipment’s helps operators achieve outstanding cleaning results while minimizing chemical consumption
We Solve Real Problems
what can we do for you?

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Timothy Powell
Lisa R. Boone
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A New World Of Dosing Performance And Effectiveness Awaits. Simply Click Below To Begin Your Journey